For 15 years, Michael Mejias has worked as the founding Executive Director of Inkluded Inc., a non-profit championing diversity in Publishing. Additionally, he’s the Director of Diversity Initiatives at Writers House, where he founded both the Writers House Intern Program and the Writers House Mentor Initiative. Mr. Mejias is also the founding Executive Director of the Dramatic Question Theatre, a non-profit dedicated to developing plays by BIPoC and Female-identifying playwrights. He’s from the West Farms Square housing projects in the South Bronx.
Tell us about your Life@GWN
I was introduced to GWN by Erica Silberman, the organization’s current Director of Curriculum and Engagement, and was excited by its mission. Over the last fifteen years, by way of demonstrating that excitement, I’ve participated in GWN events and otherwise served as a conduit to the publishing world.
Why is What You Do at Work Important? Is it the best Career Decision You’ve Ever Made?
The work I do leads to more racial diversity in publishing; and diversity in publishing comes with both practical and ideological import. First, the practical: According to the Census Bureau, by 2050, the number of Latinx in the U.S. will have increased by sixty percent, the number of Blacks will have increased by twenty-eight percent, and the number of Asians will have doubled. Since the publishing industry considers selling books in the U.S. important, then logic dictates diversity in publishing is also important. If for no other reason, it’s the most efficient way to get better at selling books to what will soon be the majority of people living in the United States. Now, the ideological: Diversity in publishing is important because it’s a way to acknowledge everyone’s contributions to the public discourse. Diversity teaches empathy, encourages sensitivity, broadens understanding, and makes room for other viewpoints. I want more of all these things in the world, a lot more. But, it’s not my experience that they happen all by themselves. It takes work.
I don’t consider what I do my career, as much as I consider it my mission.
What’s Something You’re Proud Of?
My work has facilitated the placement of over five hundred young people into their first publishing jobs. A third of those placements are from BIPoC spaces.
Are You a Morning Person or a Night Owl?
Night owl. No doubt the residual effect of a misspent youth. These days, I leverage this by working late into the evening.
Are You a Sports Fan? Favorite Teams?
There is only one team in my town and it plays in the Bronx.
What Did You Want to be When You Grew Up?
The centerfielder for the New York Yankees.
Can You Speak More Than One Language?
Yes. Spanish. I’m Puerto Rican so it kind of comes with it.
Three Things You'd Take to a Deserted Island?
A diner. A motorboat. Erica.