In honor of Earth Day 2023, Girls Write Now presents "Tales from Planet B". This eclectic mix of poetry, screenwriting, speculative fiction, and interactive storytelling proposes vastly different Earths, each one born of different, but pivotal human choices. While there is no Planet B for us, there will always be one for those creative enough to imagine it.
Sword-Lily by Sheridan Cole and Meghan McDonough
A college freshman arrives on campus with her loyal guide dog. Whispers from the trees lead her to question her purpose: will she be an advocate or a bystander?
Babygirls by Jade Lozada
Mommy doesn’t tell her she’s seeded first in a dying race.
To Go or Stay by Victoria Gao
“To Go or Stay” uses drawings and images to describe an apocalyptic world suffering from climate change. The people in that society have to choose to stay on or leave Earth as disasters affect different parts of the US. This choice will affect how they can contribute to society and improve the environment.
The Unwilling Jailer by Kilhaha St Fort
Holder of euphoria and life
I enshroud the senses
The Extra Eye by Nancy Xu
The current environmental issues will be exacerbated in the near future if nothing is done today. This is my form of rising to speak on an issue that threatens the world.
Underground by Erika Alfaro
The narrator’s family is chosen by lottery to relocate underground for 15 years once the earth becomes overpopulated. This story recounts her first trip to the surface.